I specialize in helping people with Autoimmune disease and Anxiety-Stress. If you having trouble breathing, unable to take a full breath, congestion in the head, experience chest pains…feel like you can't get out of your head, back hurts, thoughts are cloudy, having focus issues....... neck/shoulder are tight even after a massage , feeling like your not connected physically…your mood is grumpy and unhappy.......The list goes on especially with people suffering with Autoimmune and Anxiety! But I have a solution that has helped me and my clients. A combination of techniques that help get you back to a higher state of wellness, so you can suffer less and live more. I call this the Cranial Sacral Vagus Nerve Reset Therapy , since it balances the whole person-body, mind and soul.
The techniques I use are very gentle and effective, specially for people who are already fighting this battle. Each session is custom tailored to meet your goals, to get sustainable results and keep your wellness scores high. I work with your nervous system to help your body get into a healing state which decreases inflammation, opens up your energy centers, grounds your body and clears your head to make room for healing to happen. The sessions combine cranial sacral, neural reset therapy, vagus nerve reset, accupressure, breath work, and focused bodywork.
Do you experience any of these or a multitude of them?
These issues we have to deal with every single day when we have an autoimmune disease or High stress. Let me help you with new tools and bodywork to improve your condition. Reach out to me if you have any questions.